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Which search engine would you choose if you just saw their results? Google, Yahoo or Bing?

Blind Search is a very interesting site which lets you search in Google, Yahoo and Bing simultaneously, but with a particular quality: without showing who is the provider of each result list. So you must vote your preferred results before knowing!


They have published here the results of the first 8 weeks from the site’s opening (the article is from July). Keep looking at the home page for more current news.

Thanks to Fepe for the link!

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Move Facebook Events Box to Top updated to version 1.1


I’ve just updated the Move Facebook Events Box to Top to the version 1.1 to solve the problem that made the events box not going to the top sometimes when loading the page or reloading.

Please visit the original post to download the updated version.

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Simple C++ List Class

Just as I published some days ago the Simple C++ String Class as a C++ learning exercise, now I am freeing a Simple C++ List Class.

The standard library has a list class. But, while learning, it’s a good idea to know how to develop your own list class.

That’s why I made the List class. It’s not intended for professional projects (for them, you should use the standard library’s list), but as help to learn C++.

template <class TYPE>
class List
	/* ... */

	//Construction and destruction
	List() { /* ... */ }
	~List() { /* ... */ }
	List(const List& rlList) { /* ... */ }
	//Assignment operator
	List& operator=(const List& rlList);

	int Length() { /* ... */ }
	bool Empty() { /* ... */ }

	//Element managing
	int Add(TYPE& rtData);
	TYPE* Elem(int nPos);
	bool Delete(int nPos);
	void DeleteAll();
	int Find(TYPE& rItem, int nStartAt = 0);

	TYPE& operator[](int nPos) { /* ... */ }	//Elem
	int operator<<(TYPE& rdData) { /* ... */ }	//Add

	void FreeList();
	void Init() { /* ... */ }

template <class TYPE>
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& oStream, List<TYPE>& rlList);

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3D Pinball for Windows (Space Cadet) Cracker – How To Modify High Scores

Everybody knows the Pinball game that appeared with Windows 95 Plus!… It’s still in current Windows versions…


Although it may seem incredible, there are still some fanatics of this game…

I’ve made this program in 1999 (some time ago 8-)) to let you modify the High Scores so you could make those fanatics believe you had beaten them…


(You should be a little more subtle than me)

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Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit Online

Since I’ve been having lots of visits in my wxWidgets version of the Celsius to Fahrenheit converter, I’ve decided to prepare an online javascript version which lets you easily make the conversion.


GNU GPL v3 Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit Online is licensed under the GNU GPL v3

Here is the complete source code:

<script type="text/javascript">
// *****************************************************************************
// Description: Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit Online by NeoEGM
// Author: Ezequiel Miravalles
// Last modification: 16/08/2009
// URL:
// *****************************************************************************

	Copyright (C) 2009 Ezequiel Gastón Miravalles

	This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
	it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
	the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
	(at your option) any later version.

	This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
	GNU General Public License for more details.

	You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
	along with this program.  If not, see <>.

function isNumber(x)
  return ( (typeof x === typeof 1) && (null !== x) && isFinite(x) );	//From

function Round(number, digits)
	return Math.round(number * Math.pow(10,digits)) / Math.pow(10, digits);

function CelsiusToFahrenheit(celsius, fahrenheit)
	var num = celsius.value;
	if (num == "" || !isNumber(Number(num)))
		alert("Please type a number");
		fahrenheit.value=Round((9/5)*num+32, 2);

function FahrenheitToCelsius(fahrenheit, celsius)
	var num = fahrenheit.value;
	if (num == "" || !isNumber(Number(num)))
		alert("Please type a number");
		celsius.value=Round((5/9)*(num-32), 2);

<td><input type="text" name="celsius_field" id="celsius_field" style="width:100px" /></td>
<td><input type="button" value="To Fahrenheit" onclick="CelsiusToFahrenheit($('celsius_field'), $('fahrenheit_field'))" /></td>
<td><input type="text" name="fahrenheit_field" id="fahrenheit_field" style="width:100px" /></td>
<td><input type="button" value="To Celsius" onclick="FahrenheitToCelsius($('fahrenheit_field'), $('celsius_field'))" /></td>

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Move Facebook Events Box to Top

Facebook has got very interesting features… One of them is the possibility of having a reminder of your friend’s birthdays and events you have subscribed to…

But (there’s always a but 8-))… They’re not in a very handy place…

So… I’ve decided to make a script to move them to the top :)


How do I install it??

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What happens when the CPU heatsink is removed?

This is a very good video I’ve seen some time ago. I think Fepe sent it to me. It’s from Tom’s Hardware Guide.

It shows what happens to different CPUs when you remove their heatsink.

Watch the sequel…

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Office Document Property Resetter

This is a tool I’ve made two years ago to solve a problem a friend of mine had. He had at his work a bunch of Word and Excel files created in different computers and wanted to cleanup their properties so they didn’t show the configured Author/Title/Subject/etc. tags.


This would have been a simple problem to solve if there were a few files… They could be cleaned up manually…



But there were lots of them!

So… I made this tool :)


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Simple C++ String Class

Every C++ programmer knows that the standard library has a string class. But, while learning, it’s a good idea to know how to develop your own string class.

That’s why I made the String class. It’s not intended for professional projects (for them, you should use the standard library’s string), but as help to learn C++.

class String
	char *m_pszString;	//Allocated buffer
	int m_nAllocated;	//Allocated length

	//Construction and destruction
	String() { /* ... */ }
	~String() { /* ... */ }

	//Copy constructors
	String(const char *pszString) { /* ... */ }
	String(const String& rsString) { /* ... */ }

	//Operators (assignment)
	String& operator=(const char *pszString);
	String& operator=(const String& rsString) { /* ... */ }

	//Operators (concatenation)
	String& operator+=(const char *pszString);
	String& operator+=(String& rsString) { /* ... */ }
	String operator+(String rsString);

	//Operators (comparison)
	bool operator<(String sString) { /* ... */ }
	bool operator<=(String sString) { /* ... */ }

	bool operator>(String sString) { /* ... */ }
	bool operator>=(String sString) { /* ... */ }

	bool operator==(String sString) { /* ... */ }
	bool operator!=(String sString) { /* ... */ }

	void Clear();
	String Lower() { /* ... */ }
	String Upper() { /* ... */ }

	int Length() { /* ... */ }

	//Cast operators
	operator const char*() { /* ... */ }

protected:	//Helper functions
	/* ... */

//Output e input
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& oStream, String& rsString);
std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& iStream, String& rsString);

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cppMemDbg – Easy to use C++ memory leak detection library

This library is the C++ sequel to the cMemDbg.

Just as the cMemDbg, it is a very easy to use library which can help you to detect and track memory leaks.

Its usage is very similar to the cMemDbg, but with support for the C++ operators (new, new[], delete and delete[]).

There are lots of solutions for this on the net, but this one has the particularity of being really simple to implement.

>new  003D26D8  36  [Main.cpp:127]
>new  003D2708  36  [Main.cpp:128]
>ERROR  Bad free type  free => delete  003D2708  36
>free  003D2708  36  (Main.cpp:128)  [Main.cpp:129]
>free  003D2708  0    [Main.cpp:130]
>ERROR  Trying to free unallocated memory: 003D2708
>delete[]  003D3EB0  7  (String.cpp:59)  [String.h:41]
>delete[]  003D24F0  4  (String.cpp:59)  [String.h:41]
>delete  003D2490  40  (Lista.h:120)  [Lista.h:112]
>INFO  PROBLEM: Memory leak found (36 bytes)
>INFO  Unfreed block  003D26D8  36    [Main.cpp:127]

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