Daily Archive for August 8th, 2009

cppMemDbg – Easy to use C++ memory leak detection library

This library is the C++ sequel to the cMemDbg.

Just as the cMemDbg, it is a very easy to use library which can help you to detect and track memory leaks.

Its usage is very similar to the cMemDbg, but with support for the C++ operators (new, new[], delete and delete[]).

There are lots of solutions for this on the net, but this one has the particularity of being really simple to implement.

>new  003D26D8  36  [Main.cpp:127]
>new  003D2708  36  [Main.cpp:128]
>ERROR  Bad free type  free => delete  003D2708  36
>free  003D2708  36  (Main.cpp:128)  [Main.cpp:129]
>free  003D2708  0    [Main.cpp:130]
>ERROR  Trying to free unallocated memory: 003D2708
>delete[]  003D3EB0  7  (String.cpp:59)  [String.h:41]
>delete[]  003D24F0  4  (String.cpp:59)  [String.h:41]
>delete  003D2490  40  (Lista.h:120)  [Lista.h:112]
>INFO  PROBLEM: Memory leak found (36 bytes)
>INFO  Unfreed block  003D26D8  36    [Main.cpp:127]

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