Welcome to NeoEGM.com

Welcome to my new website, NeoEGM.com.

This is the space in which I’ll publish the different things I do and some other contents that I could find interesting to show.

By now, the site is divided in 4 sections:

  • Tech: technology related articles (computers, electronics, etc.). Here I’ll publish the software and hardware developments I’ve made, among other things.
  • Music: music posts. In this section will appear the different songs I’ve composed and some covers I recorded.
  • Writings: in this area will be published the writings I’ve made.
  • Blog: general discussion section. Here will appear posts of dfferent topics.

It shouldn’t be needed to say the content will be constantly updated just as I finish preparing all the things I have (and the new ones than appear) to publish.

Enjoy your stay.


Support appreciated!

All the content offered in this website is, except noted otherwise, of free nature. This means you can share it wherever you want if you do it freely and stating its source.

If it was useful for you and you’d like to contribute, you can make a donation or, at least, visit one of our advertisers of your choice; they are all around the site.

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