Firefox Add-on: List Open URLs

Let’s say you’re searching for videos (or webpages if you wish) of some topic. And you navigate through lots and lots of them… Opening new tabs and even jumping between links without leaving the previous URL open somewhere else (this commonly happens when you click any “Related Video” on YouTube, since it automatically opens on the same tab)…

It would be really tedious to go through each of your tabs rescuing all the interesting URLs to save them…

Also, if you could save them as bookmarks (assuming you don’t care about the browsing history), it’s not really simple to just get the URLs to copy them or to send them to somebody else…

For this (and for any other case you could find), I developed the “List Open URLs” Firefox Add-on…


As you can imagine, its really simple to use…

You just click the Tools menu “List Open URLs” option and you’ll get a prompt asking whether or not you want to take into account the history of each of the tabs…


If you choose not to (“Cancel” button), then it will generate a listing including only the currently opened URLs…


But if you, instead, clicked “OK”, then you’d get a full listing, including the history of each tabs (the URLs in the “back” and “forward” buttons)…


Finally, if you want to copy the entire text, you can simply right click it and choose “Select All”…


And, after that, right click it again and choose “Copy”…


That’s all… You’ll have the text in your clipboard…

GNU GPL v3 As usual, List Open URLs is licensed under the GNU GPL v3

If you want it, just click here to download:

If you like it, please add a review at Firefox’s Add-on site so it can get out of the “experimental” state…

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