SMS Scheduler

4 o’clock in the morning… You’re going late to bed… Suddenly, you remember you had to send someone a message with some important information he should have at 9 o’clock…

Of course you don’t want to wake up at 9:00… If you send the message at this moment, you’ll probably wake him up if he didn’t power off the phone (he deserves it! :))…

So what can you do? This tool is the answer…


You can simply fill the message data (Recipient, Body and Desired Time) and press “Schedule”… (Multiple recipients are allowed separating them with semicolons)


Then, you can just go to sleep and wait for the message to be delivered at the time you wanted…


If you regret, you can always uncheck the box to cancel the message… (If not already sent, of course)


GNU GPL v3 SMS Scheduler is licensed under the GNU GPL v3 (attached)…


The installation package is targeted for Windows Mobile 5. I haven’t tested it on other versions, but, at least recompiling, should work on others…

It requires the .NET Compact Framework 2.0 installed on the Pocket PC… If you don’t have it, you can simply download the .NET Compact Framework 2.0 Service Pack 2 Redistributable and install it while having your Pocket PC connected to the computer with ActiveSync running (so it can get copied and installed into the device)…

The SMS Scheduller installer has to be run with the Pocket PC connected with ActiveSync running too…

Well, that’s all… Now, finally, the links…

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